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Cancer Insurance

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cancer insurance
Get a Free Cancer Insurance Quote in Minutes!

Get a Cancer Insurance Quote in Minutes from a licensed insurance agent at IHC Specialty Benefits!

Senior Woman Undergoing Chemotherapy With Nurse

What costs do cancer insurance cover?

Cancer insurance benefits, or supplemental cancer insurance benefits, provide a cash benefit if you are diagnosed with or treated for cancer. Coverage depends on the product. Cancer insurance is designed to help cover medical and non-medical expenses that traditional health insurance may not cover.


Expenses Cancer Insurance Benefits Can Be Used To Cover

  • Cancer screening
  • Initial diagnosis
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery/anesthesia
  • Prosthesis
  • Home health care
  • Transportation by ambulance
  • Skilled nursing and rehabilitation care

Your Policy May Not Provide Benefits For

  • Any diagnosis or treatment outside the United States or its territories
  • Any diagnosis or treatment you may have received prior to the effective date of the policy
  • Non-cancer related diagnosis or treatment
  • Types of cancers not included in your specific policy’s coverage
  • Cancers occurring prior to the purchase of the policy

Pros and Cons of Cancer Insurance Plans

Doctor and man undergoing course of chemotherapy in clinic.
  • Provides benefits for expenses that are often the out-of-pocket responsibility of health insurance beneficiaries, like deductibles, coinsurance, copays and more.
  • Lump-sum payment of benefits is made to the insured to use as they see fit.
  • Apply anytime for a policy.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cancer Insurance

Can I buy cancer insurance if I already had or have cancer? open Can I buy cancer insurance if I already had or have cancer?
Can I purchase a cancer insurance plan to include my children? open Can I purchase a cancer insurance plan to include my children?
How long can I keep a cancer insurance plan? open How long can I keep a cancer insurance plan?
How do I apply for cancer insurance? open How do I apply for cancer insurance?

Cancer Insurance Resources

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Speak to a licensed health insurance agent during business hours for help understanding your options and enrolling in coverage.